Saturday, July 31, 2010

Glasses City, Beijing

Imagine a city block sized mall, four floors that sells nothing by
glasses. That place exists in Beijing, and it is overwhelming.
Overwhelming in the best sense. Also, many of the glasses are
incredibly inexpensive and they'll make them for you in about 20

After many hours of looking and a much needed lunch break, we returned
and I pulled the trigger on a new pair. Lens and all they came in at
just under US$25. I've never paid so little for glasses. So far they
are working out well. I'll try to get up a picture soon.

One of the things that really struck us though was how bad a mall like
this must be for the individual store owners. Typically, I spend a
long time in a single glasses shop when I am in the market, but at
Glasses City if they didn't have anything interesting there are
literally 200+ other places to look for the same product. Convenient
for the customer to be sure, but I can't imagine how frustrating it
must be for the store owners.

If you're a glasses wearer and are in Beijing, I would highly
recommend checking this place out.

Glasses City is located near the Jinsong stop on subway Line 10.

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